
Wow. yes, it’s only been a couple of days and here am I, typing again. We flew to Albuquerque Friday evening after the usual dismay at US Customs in Dallas. Lines and lines of immigrants with only three stations open to process them. No wonder so many resort to...

Bad Blogger, Good intentions

Ok, I admit it. I’m not the ace at blogging that I’d like to be. I did have the best of intentions, you know, like “I’ll do a blog and write everyday”. Unfortunately intentions can’t type and neither can they magically create time....

Holiday Weekend Arts Abound!

Breezes are blowing cooler and the turning of the Seasons is in the air. We’re headed for a great weekend up here where the air is clear and the elk will soon be calling. This Saturday, 10-4 wander between Centro Plaza and the Cove Arts Center to ogle (and buy)...

I’m Back!

Wow. I can’t believe what a blur July was! Fabulous, though, if I do say so myself! Thanks to all the hard work by Texas Tech theatre students, my board members and all the volunteers who helped make this season of live theatre a success. As you may have guessed...

Ready, set……

I know its been a while since I last posted….lets just say I’ve been otherwise occupied. It suddenly reached panic stage in my head that ArtsFest is just around the corner…and I had little or no new work. Working under a deadline seems to motivate me...
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