Is it me? Or is the world spinning faster?

May 11, 2008 | Angel Fire, Angel Fire Mountain Theatre, Mountain Theatre, Summer Theater, Summer Theatre, Texas Tech

Wow. Can hardly believe it’s been two weeks (or something like that) since my last post. Let’s see if I can recount what’s kept me so busy I couldn’t find time (or energy) to post. Hmm. Last Sunday (one week ago) I was notified by Texas Tech that they would be unable to bring Summer Theatre to Angel Fire. (Gasp) Bigger than that is the fact that Tech will apparently not have a Summer Rep Season at all. I won’t begin to editorialize about the whys. It would likely end up political. No matter, the effect is that Angel Fire Mountain Theatre is left to PUNT. No, SCRAMBLE. er. um.. let’s see. The Good News is that there are options. More than I would have thought. And, Angel Fire, that is to say, the local people, are phoning in, stepping up and lending aid. It makes me smile. I can’t say just yet what is coming, but watch here, or watch for more up to the “as we know it” information.

Till then, cross your fingers, say your prayers, send us positive and success. It is an important program to the community as whole..whether or not the individuals have ever bought a ticket. We are committed to the community and its lifeblood, our visitors. We will do all we can to make the Season happen, and I dare say, it will be an astonishing season! Watch! Participate! The Show Must Go On!

In the mean time ( such as it were) there are other BIG THINGS brewing. You’ll have to wait for the announcement about that…heee heee. Think, 1 + 1. = 2? Think Big, and small. Think, no just wait. It’s good. đŸ™‚

Angel Fire ArtSpace,
3469 Mountain View Blvd, Suites B2-4 Angel Fire NM


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