All eyes are on Washington, D.C. where our 44th President is about to take office. You can’t turn on the television, the radio or pick up a newspaper and not know it. There is hope tangible in the air. I must admit, that I feel the buzz even when I’m trying hard to paint. (what is it about January? I have commissions stacking up and the canvas on my table is white…..)

So, it’s my day off. I thought I’d have a leisurely day for a change. We had friends in for dinner last night, lots of laughs and the dog (Grace) soaked up enough attention to last at least 10 minutes. (grin)

I got up and hit the button on the espresso machine and inhaled deeply as the crema formed in the cup. Ahh, a day off.

It wouldn’t be long before it was clear that the pipe from the toilet to the septic was, um frozen. I glanced at the outdoor thermometer. Oh, no. 5 degrees. Deep sigh.

So, the morning was devoted to every trick I’ve learned. First the plunger. Nada. Then the snake. Nope. Then the hot water poured into the nearby drains that were still operating. It took nearly 3 hours.

It made me wonder about a couple of things….like those 7000 port-a-potties dotting (ugh) the otherwise beautiful landscape on the Nation’s Mall. Not that it isn’t necessary, but, Egad.

Then I pondered the fact that HBO “bought” the exclusive right to broadcast the opening concert at the Lincoln Memorial. I say, NOT FAIR!

The inauguration of the President is the celebration of THE PEOPLE.

I canceled my HBO service long ago, and now I wish I hadn’t, just so I could do it again. It is OUR party! We should all be able to partake, even if it is on the screen in our living room or at the local gathering place, if not able to be there live.

I think the committee that SOLD the rights of the people to HBO should take every last dime and give it to all the people who have filed for unemployment in the last 2 months. I realize, 2 million is peanuts and wouldn’t go very far. It’s the point. And I’d love it if everyone would cancel their HBO. Not that I think either will happen. The stench is overwhelming.

Now, my toilets are flushing, the sky is blue, I’ve have a glass of wine and I’ll settle down. The real game begins on Wednesday, after all.

Angel Fire ArtSpace,
3469 Mountain View Blvd, Suites B2-4 Angel Fire NM


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